Semrush 에이전시 파트너 로고
Growth Ninja Group

Growth Ninja Group

Smart Growth, Ninja Speed

Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

원격 근무



At Growth Ninja Group, our expertise spans two critical areas: B2B Account-Based Marketing (ABM) and the design and development of apps, websites, and software. We're not just experts in our fields; we have a proven track record, having contributed $534M in funding raises and IPOs for our clients. This achievement underscores our ability to deliver results that meet and significantly exceed expectations.

B2B Account-Based Marketing (ABM): Our ABM strategies are highly targeted, focusing on the accounts most likely to generate revenue. We craft personalized marketing campaigns that speak directly to these key accounts' unique needs and interests, ensuring every marketing dollar spent is an investment toward high-yield returns. This meticulous approach to targeting and personalization sets us apart and drives the engagement that leads to real business outcomes.

Design and Development: Our approach is holistic in the realm of digital presence. Our designers are maestros at crafting user interfaces that are not just visually striking but intuitively navigable, ensuring a seamless user experience that reflects your brand’s ethos. Meanwhile, our developers bring the most advanced technologies to the table to create robust, secure, and scalable digital platforms. Whether enhancing an existing website, developing a cutting-edge app, or building bespoke software, our solutions are tailor-made to support our clients' ambitions.

Work Processes: Our methodology deeply involves understanding our clients’ visions and objectives. We begin with a thorough discovery phase to gather insights and develop a strategic plan customized to each project’s demands. Our agile implementation process allows us to remain flexible, making adjustments based on real-time feedback to ensure the end product aligns with and elevates our clients’ goals.

Principles: Our core principles are central to our identity and approach:

  1. Client-Centric: Your success defines our success. We dive deep into your business to deliver impactful solutions.
  2. Innovation: We leverage cutting-edge strategies and technologies to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.
  3. Quality and Excellence: Every task, big or small, is executed with the highest standards of quality and dedication to excellence.
  4. Integrity and Transparency: Honest, clear communication is paramount, ensuring our clients have full insight and trust in our processes.
가격 책정 모델
  • 의뢰 비용
  • 프로젝트 기반
  • $1,000 +
서비스 제공 지역
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Kuwait
  • Qatar
  • Bahrain
  • 영어


Launching and its mobile apps in just 35 days posed a significant challenge, requiring meticulous planning and coordination across various departments.


We designed and developed and its mobile apps, ensuring seamless platform integration. Additionally, we created a proprietary mining pricing calculator and devised a profitable business model to withstand market fluctuations.


Our efforts resulted in successfully launching the UAE's first cloud mining platform, establishing strategic partnerships, developing innovative tools, and executing effective marketing strategies to drive adoption and profitability in a dynamic market landscape.


Quiqup needed to enhance brand interaction and deepen prospect engagement while accelerating deal closures.


We created an ABM campaign distributing A5 leaflets featuring three distinct QR codes. Each code strategically led prospects: one for shopping for a gift with end-to-end Quiqup experience (notification, tracking, courier, customer support...), website visitation, and partnership discussion calls.


This approach transformed the shopping experience into an event lead magnet and a new sales tool. The campaign achieved a remarkable 35% engagement rate, effectively enhancing brand interaction and deepening prospect engagement. This led to accelerated deal closures and $2M in new opportunities.


Phoenix Group faced a significant challenge in rapidly rebranding and revamping its digital presence to support its forthcoming IPO. The tight 11-day deadline required an efficient, streamlined approach to overhaul their website and integrate the new brand identity across all platforms.


Growth Ninja Group led the rebranding and built a new website in just 9 days. This quick turnaround gave them extra time to focus on a strong PR campaign to increase visibility before the IPO.


The new branding and website rollout were a success, helping Phoenix Group reach a market capitalization of $3.3 billion on the first day of trading, with a 50% increase in share value. The effective PR also gained over 41 media coverages, significantly boosting the brand's profile.

Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates의 Growth Ninja Group 에이전시는 SEO와 디지털 마케팅으로 Koinly의 비즈니스 성장에 기여했습니다
Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates의 Growth Ninja Group 에이전시는 SEO와 디지털 마케팅으로 Quiqup의 비즈니스 성장에 기여했습니다
Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates의 Growth Ninja Group 에이전시는 SEO와 디지털 마케팅으로 Phoenix Group의 비즈니스 성장에 기여했습니다
Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates의 Growth Ninja Group 에이전시는 SEO와 디지털 마케팅으로 parcelLab의 비즈니스 성장에 기여했습니다
Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates의 Growth Ninja Group 에이전시는 SEO와 디지털 마케팅으로 Noor Renovation의 비즈니스 성장에 기여했습니다
Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates의 Growth Ninja Group 에이전시는 SEO와 디지털 마케팅으로 Techcom의 비즈니스 성장에 기여했습니다

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