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Semrush Toolkits
Content Marketing
What are SEO Idea Units?

What are SEO Idea Units?


SEO Idea Units are limits shared between the following two tools:

  1. On Page SEO Checker
  2. SEO Content Template

These tools share the same units because they all operate when you enter a target keyword or set of keywords into them.

On Page SEO Checker pairs keywords with your site's landing pages to generate recommendations to improve the SEO of the pages. Whenever you pair a keyword with a landing page, it costs one unit. If you pair two keywords to a landing page, it will cost two units.

If you have set 100 keywords in On Page SEO Checker and will analyze these ten times during one paid month, it would require 1000 units.

SEO Content Template takes a target keyword and location and generates a template for SEO content aimed at ranking on Google’s first page for that keyword. Every keyword entered in this tool will use one SEO Idea unit.

When you create a template in SEO Content Template, you spend SEO Idea Units. However, when you send this template to SEO Writing Assistant and open it in Google Docs, no more units are charged, even if you make any changes.

The general rule to remember is that one keyword entered into any of these tools = one SEO Idea unit.

If your monthly limit is 500 units and you generate 10 SEO Content Templates (with one target keyword per template) and enter 100 keywords into On Page SEO Checker, your monthly limit would remain at 390 units.


The limits for each account level are:

  • Free: 10 units
  • Pro: 500
  • Guru: 800
  • Business: 2,000

All SEO Idea Unit limits renew on the 1st day of every month.

What can I do with a free account? 

With a Free account, you are given 10 SEO Idea units but will be limited to only 1 SEO Content Template. This limit will be for the lifetime of your account and will not refresh monthly.

Therefore, with a free account, you can:

  • Use all 10 SEO Idea Units by tracking 10 keyword-page optimizations with On-Page SEO Checker 
  • Create 1 SEO Content Template, track 1 keyword for the template, and then use the remaining 9 units for On Page SEO Checker
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