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Semrush Toolkits
Organic Research
Researching SERP Features
SERP Features: Refine

SERP Features: Refine

The Refine SERP feature offers search users filter options to narrow their search results based on specific criteria. Refine appears on both desktop and mobile devices.

Here’s an example of what that might look like:
On desktop:

SERP Features: Refine image 1


And on mobile:SERP Features: Refine image 2

This is especially useful for broad queries where users might want more granular control over the information displayed, such as "laptop reviews" or "recipe ideas."

How to Rank for Refine

Since this SERP feature does not provide links to any particular site, the potential to benefit from it is limited. Also, it is impossible to control as Google’s algorithms decide what is displayed in the Refine box.

In general, adhering to SEO best practices is suggested to increase the likelihood of your content appearing in any refined search results. 

Best practices include:

  • Categorize your content using tags or categories that align with common industry filter criteria. 
  • Use Schema markup on your site to aid search engines in understanding and classifying your content accurately.
  • Optimize for relevant keywords that match potential filter options used in Refine searches, enhancing your content's visibility across different queries.
  • Keep your content current, ensuring it stays relevant and maintains eligibility to appear under refined search conditions.

How Semrush Collects Data About the Refine SERP Feature

  • When we scan a keyword’s SERP, we identify whether or not the Refine feature is present anywhere on the results page. 
  • If Refine is present on the SERP, you’ll see its gray icon in the SF column in Organic Research.
  • We do not track any specific domain's position within this SERP feature.